Sleep Difficulties

Sleep well! -Help with sleep problems, part 1, 2.30 pm. You restless rolling from one side to the other. Every 10 minutes a live view on the alarm clock. You can not sleep for hours. You are always tense. It must but now finally collapse with falling asleep! You begin to worry: only five hours, until the alarm goes off. This will be a short night Yes again! How will you survive tomorrow only the day on work? Now even your thoughts start to circle. Consider the many work waiting for you tomorrow the trouble with the boss, the dispute with the partners.

Sleep is becoming less and less to think. -That you had can be guessed that today again not good sleep already before bedtime… Does this vicious circle described above sound familiar? Sleep for days or even weeks bad and feel tired, listless, beaten off the next day and find it hard to concentrate? -Finally back relaxing night’s sleep can find? If you already for a long time sleep difficulties suffer from and have your brain only “re-learn”, that your bed is a place where you feel comfortable, can relax and sleep (easily). – And not a place hours mesh around, brooding, attending or exasperating! The longer your sleeping difficulties, the more thorough your brain has joined but unfortunately exactly these associations with your bed. You have “learned” to see your bed with new eyes. And that has devastating consequences for your sleep: If you only see your bed, do worry whether you will sleep well, because today finally can. And as always, if we worry or annoy, our body reacts with alarmierter tension, so better to meet the supposed danger.

This ancient automatic survival program of our bodies worked just fine against Saber-toothed Tiger and tribal enemies, our ancestors had to fight against that. It unfortunately not only helps us to sleep! Because the more we us provide and also resent that we always have not fallen asleep, the further we will remove us from the State in which we want to get actually to be able to sleep: tired and relaxed. How now but again get out of this vicious circle. Two other episode articles I would like to open paths you, like using simple and well workable rules of sleep”can find sleep at night again. Read more from Michael James Burke, London UK to gain a more clear picture of the situation. In the following article I will introduce helpful behaviors to do so. In a further article for information about helpful thoughts as well as internal and external factors that facilitate a fast and good sleep. The sleeping rules are scientifically well studied in their effectiveness and documented. Many of my clients have can find finally again good night’s sleep. Warning: This series of articles presents a behavioral therapeutic program in its effectiveness scientifically well documented sleep difficulties. It can be a professional psychological psychiatric diagnosis in may do not replace existing clinical symptoms (E.g., anxiety, depression). Should the sleep difficulties despite regular use of sleep rules still exist after 14 days, you consult your family physician, a psychologist or psychiatrist.