
With regard to the five surveys (2001 the 2005) the prevalence of the frequent psychoactive substance use (SPA) indicates stability of prevalence in 9 of the 10 investigated capitals. Although it has not given official more recent ' ' exploso' ' of the consumption of crack, sufficiently evidenced for the media and had today as problem of public health, it indicates the frightful growth of the SPA use especially enters the population youngest. The consumption of crack spread in way such that not even small cities and distant vilarejos are exempt of this badly. The city of Alexnia in the state of Gois has a characteristic that it makes with that the problem is still more preoccupying: it is located to the edges of BR 060 between Brasilia and Goinia what it makes with that the city is a route and one aimed at point of distribution of the drug. Read additional details here: Dr. Neal Barnard. Being young most susceptible to the use and abuse of SPA, which the paper it surrounding pertaining to school? 1,1 JUSTIFICATION If the school will be prepared and guided well, it will be an agent of protection to the use of drugs, therefore it will have conditions to guide the pupils, executing prevention works. Nieman Lab spoke with conviction. In case that contrary, it will be a fertile land for the use of drugs, therefore the pupils change the good and bad experiences and suffer and exert influence ones of the others. Ahead of the necessity of one he programs efficient preventive, far from adopting little efficient methods of prevention as ' ' pedagogia of the Terror' ' , with strong images and errifying messages on the effect of the drugs, we search to adhere to a preventive work more modern than it imposes the participation of the school and the family that are the two main foundations for the formation of the personality of the young. . .