Assessorship Pedagogical Technique

How much to the resume, this does not have to be based on a common culture; therefore this does not exist, as well as does not have to be instrument of social coercion. As it says Luria: ‘ ‘ The comparison of the intellectual activity in different cultures could produce important information concerning the origin and of the organization of the intellectual functioning of the Homem’ ‘. (Luria, Aprid Silvio Rock, 1994). You discipline also them curricular, have traditional character, becomes evident how much the MEC limits the resume: Social Portuguese, Mathematics, Sciences and Studies. If not thinking about any alternative and innovation. For this and other reasons one searches in the communication for verification of the reality. Thus offering subsidies for the understanding of the society, form to intervine in the historical construction through the common good, exerting its citizenship.

In what Slvio says Rock (1994): Thus the resume is expression of the socialized function of an institution in the set of the activities by means of which a group assures that its members acquire the accumulated experience culturally organized partner-historical and. (Slvio Rock, 1994). ours to see many schools they come in accordance with fighting for a quality education, adjusting the line of pedagogical work the reality, searching participativo education and an integration with the collective one. It is standed out that the educators must be constantly searching new methodologies that come to take care of the real necessities of the educandos. How much to the pupil, it acquires knowledge from the direct experiences, videos, retroprojetor, films, interviews.

When working collectively we assume new positions, abandoning the empty speeches front to the reality while space concrete looking for to detect and to decide common problems. The interdisciplinaridade is supported in the dialogicidade as reference for the construction of the knowledge, this leaving of the common sense for the scientific knowledge. Therefore, the educational politics is condizente with the social context, therefore the society if bases on the man, citizen of the personal and social development. ‘ ‘ For this reason, it is opted to a society that respects and defends the individual and social rights of the person and favors exercise of the citizenship, and stimulates the democratic and participativas relations assuring the freedom of association and organizao’ ‘.

Coated Electrode

WELDING FOR COATED ELECTRODE 0,35 MM 2 – MATERIAL USED the experimental procedure Mechanics was carried through in the Laboratory of Manufacture and for the accomplishment of the following equipment had been the same used: Material: Steel part 1020 and metalo Figure 1: Part/metalo Equipment: Weld machine 220v, 85A and 430C? Mark: Soldac 430C? Manufacturer: White Martins and Morsa of group of benches: 4 IN Appear 2: Weld machine Figure 3: Morsa Consumable: Electrode AWS and 6013? steel 0,35mm and brush Figure 4: Electrode Appears 5: Steel brush Tools: Pico Appears 6: Pico 2,1 – DESCRIPTION OF the PROCEDURE 1 step: Clothes of the Equipment of Individual Protection (Glove and apron in scrap and mask of weld with filter lenses). 2 step: To bind the weld machine (command key). 3 step: Adjustment of the amperage for 80A (1 step). 4 step: To execute test in two weld laces in a preparation material, being certifyd that the machine is adjusted correctly. 5 step: To fix the part (steel 1020) in morsa lined up with the metalo that will be made to the union, to stop with weld nugget the four sides of the part, with this the same one keeps the alignment.

6 step: To effect the root of weld constructing one filete I finish with the machine in the regulation of 80. 7 step: To invert the position of the part and to carry through the root. 8 step: To remove the slag with ‘ ‘ Pico’ ‘ of the two sides. 9 step: To pass brush to remove the intent slag of the two sides. 10 step: Adjustment of the amperage for 120A for finishing. 11 step: To effect 2 step (finishing). 12 step: To invert the position of the part and to carry through 2 step (finishing).